Details :

Mon - Fri: 7:00AM - 18:00PM
+39 345 7901588
Quimesol PMA is a clear, slightly hygroscopic liquid and is a medium volatility solvent with a mild odour. It is freely miscible with most common organic solvents, but has only limited miscibility with water. It is used in dyes for furniture polish or wood stains, and in dye solutions and pastes for printing. It is also used in processes that colour leather and textiles, and can also be used as a coalescent in coatings, and is particularly suitable for coatings containing polyisocyanates. In this specific case it is necessary to take into account the fact that it is already out of date, which can have an influence on the product's characteristics and consequently on its final application.

SAPEC Química
- Started from: Apr 13, 2023
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